Cooper's hit 4 months! Can hardly believe we've only had him that long! He's heaps of fun! A rare tummy time photo - usually very spilly on his tummy, he's been rolling from tummy to back for 6 weeks now, he really doesn't like it for long! (Thanks to all my facebook friends that helped with the recent transition to AR formula!)
Thumb's gone, didn't last long - fingers seem to be better! Maybe those pesky teeth will hurry up (although Eden was teething early and didn't actually get teeth til 6 months).
Anytime a camera's around - "take a photo of me"...followed by "take a photo of me"!
Lily screenprinted this t-shirt on the last day of term (thanks Sharon!). She has plans for heaps more - maybe a business starting here!?
This week's been busy (the really fun kind of busy!). More on what's happening in the girls' room later, but here's Mike helping the kids made birdfeeders (from the 'Ours' DVD) - he had to help becasue I hate the smell of tallow.
And more on my cake decorating week after Saturday (surprise birthday cake) but today the kids did some cake decorating of their own...
(Lily, Eden, Lachie)
And planning for the "rainbow Hi5" party's well underway!