Monday, May 30, 2011

Virtues Bear and Eden

Eden was great at kindy last week and got to bring Virtues Bear home for the weekend...and a trouser repair! Well done Eden!!!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

The REAL birthday...finally!

Since there was still a REAL birthday to be had, we went out for lunch, to have some of Cooper's probably favorite food...chocolate! Mmmmmm, Silky Oaks Chocolate Cafe...smiles (and full tummies) all round! Cooper chose marshmallow, chocolate and caramel slice...

Nice Lachie, mid burp! I can't remember what he had, he demolished it in an instant!

Lily chose a banana muffin and ham sandwiches, which came with chocolate sauce!

Eden had a giant truffle, and ham sandwiches...both girls dipped the crusts of their sandwiches in the chocolate sauce from around my plate (mmm, chocolate toasted sandwich for me!)

Then off to the factory shop for chocolates for Daddy (if they last that long!)

And followed by some shopping as Cooper asked for "more presents my birthday"...just a helmet to go with his new bike, a backpack, and All Black (gum) boots for rugby!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Princess Eden

A photo for Eilish...look what I managed! Eden off to Erica's princess party...

Bye Mum, you don't need to stay!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Little Lily Rippa!

Go Lily, go!!!

Keep running!

Still going!!

Wow, what a long run, just got ripped!!!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Playcentre's Sparkly Volcano

Photos for Donna's latest Playcentre story...anyone need any more encouragement to come and check Playcentre out?!??! I've got the Mentos and Diet Coke ready to take next time!!!!!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Playcentre birthday boy

More cake! Chocolate cupcakes with all the Playcentre kids!

Needing big sisters help with the candle blowing!

Stuffing the face full of chocolate cupcake (with chocolate Italian meringue buttercream, for those with mouths watering!)

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Rest of the party photos...

Lily's turn for a puppet the audience paying attention?

Cooper and Sophie enjoying Cooper's "big big big birthday present", as Cooper still calls it!

Eilish took this one, Cooper hanging on to whatever he can for dear life! And Nath's actually smiling in a photo!

Bye Sophie, Cooper wanted a kiss not a hug/grab/smush!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Music Birthday Boy

Good big sister helping out...

Got the sticker, the bouncy ball, had the song sung!

Shake your shaker...

And the music carried on when we dropped Eden off at kindy too.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Couple of Cuties...

Off on a kindy trip...

And my geniusness from last week! My kids got their first bath in ages (been having showers if you have to ask!!) Who needs to call a plumber huh!?! But Kenny, if you're taking a wee break from study to read this, would still love you to visit!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Will be plenty more photos coming of chilly mornings down at Rugby Park over the next 3 months!
Lachie in the headgear...

Anyone know who this is? And why Eden's not scared of him?!

Warm enough there Lily!?

The girls playing their the teeny ones!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cooper's Birthday Party

First, get the child to sleep early...then wait ever so patiently for him to wake up! Then, give him plenty of presents! He started with the biggest, of course! Such excitement with every one!

Get dressed before party guests arrive, especially the very special ones from Brisbane! Funnest party game ever! Who wants mini chocolate bars?!

Wee bit scary!

Eden was first, she could hardly believe she was allowed to pop them on purpose!

Cooper got chocolate first, then had a go with the pin-stick, but no blindfold please!

Mean son, removing all the balloons, making his mother think she's useless!

On to the cake! Who can guess what Cooper requested?!?!

So you all know the block of chocolate story...(March 16th I think if you need to find it on here), anyway, had to incorporate a block of chocolate into the cake design somehow!

And "Owly" that Santa bought and goes to bed with Cooper!

There's more photos on the camera but is way over there...

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Crusaders fans...for a day!

What a great atmosphere HB put on for the Crusaders "home game"! They even brought their four horses up! The kids were pretty impressed, was probably probably their highlight! Well, the sword swinging was Lachie's!

The whole fan-damily! Well a lot of them...Unlce Nath (mountain man as Eden calls him) and Eilish; Aunty Cathie, John and Charlie; Aunty Michale, Aunty Kate and Sophie, and a Nannie in there too...

Mr Crusader wasn't falling apart like Mr Hurricane!

Cathie flying the flags or teasing the kids???

Shhh, Sophie was the favourite!

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