Monday, May 28, 2007

Next fish

Lachie caught another fish, bit small but still a meal-worth for him!
At least Grand-da cought a big one by himself next time, that he smoked and we shared for tea! And the next few small ones Lachie caught, he was happy to throw them back "until after their birthdays!" - they'll be bigger then!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fishy Trip

Lachie and I went on a Kindy trip to Napier to visit the Aquarium and Marineland. Here are some of the "favourites" of the day - just a few!

Stingrays! Sharks!

Funny "clown" diver, here blowing bubble rings

An interactive story of Pania of the Reef, here turning listening ears on! Up close and personal...tortoise

Blue-tounged skink, named "Bluey" - that's Lachie shaking his hand!

And at Marineland, the dolphin...
Little Blue Penguin, named Onion, came over for a good look at Lachie after she had a pat from all the kids

Lachie liked the "bigger than Paddy" bird
And the many pools of sealsAlthough I found it more exhausting than a school trip I was in charge of, we all had so much fun (more adults than kids asleep on the bus on the way home!), can't wait til the next one!

Lachie has been drawing pictures of all the creatures all day, except when he was helping with the laundry renovations and "biscuiting" with Daddy this afternoon! (NEW laundry photos to come...)

Monday, May 21, 2007

New Bikes

The kids' are loving their new bikes! Biked to Church yesterday, and to Music today
That's the ramp at the local motorbike shop yard, great for zooming down!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sitting pretty

Eden's sitting has really improved in the last week, she hardly falls over these days! And she loves sitting up with the big kids! And sleep, that's just what you do when there's no toys in the bed!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fish for tea

Lachie didn't catch this fish, but he was a great helper at crumbing it - then he crumbed his hands ("just for blog" he said!), he then "scrubbed them til they were shiny"!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Right now

What my girls are doing right now...after a walk to Kindy this morning

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

No, no sleep-in, though I did buy ready-made pancake mix just in case...

Lachie took this photo...

Then after church we went up to Napier and went for a walk along the Marine Parade, and bikes day off was not carrying Eden! Then lovely singing all the way home (as I also took a packet of M&M's to share!) - Eden's doing the same as the others, but I couldn't get a photo of her!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Painting Presents

I love painting, but it's the kids people want presents from! So here are their artwork's for their Godmothers (Except Cathie has to spoil herself until Eden's old enough!)
Here's Lily's first "self-portrait"And Lachie knows you can't do as much detail with paint as you can with a pencil.

Lachie did the names and the drawing for Nannie's set, but the girls helped with their handprints - favourite thing around here! Notice how Lachie even drew Honey; Eden's lying down with her hand by her mouth, and Lily's got curly hair - he did draw himself the biggest though!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pre-Mother's Day

I have a feeling Mike thought hooking up the dishwasher (finally!) would make a good Mother's Day present; he's obviously forgotten, I don't do the dishes! Still worth having I suppose! Here are the "plumbers" before they went under the house... But it did warrant a trip to the BMX track for the evening - Lachie loved riding down the hills, up was a bit tricky! Nannie and Grand-da came too, and Nannie has a sore butt now, but I got a turn on her bike - very addictive!