Thursday, March 29, 2012

Go Nannie!

Nannie did her first triathlon last night, here with her support crew/advisors and Mrs Pedersen, Eden's teacher, who did her second Tri.

Sorry, but the medal photos accidentally got recorded onto the built-in memory of my camera and I can't find the lead to get them off...will keep searching. Until then, trust me that Nannie has a very shiny medal to show for her efforts! (Dad has photos too)

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy 21st Teresa!

Busy day in Wellington! This first...both girls doing really well. Lily moved into the Beginners grade (at 7, first competition) and got 2nd in the Lilt, with her new Aboyne outfit (turquoise one), and it's their first competition in their new kilt outfits. Loving the pink on Eden, and we haven't seen another lime kilt in NZ yet! Five medals all up...

While Grand-da took Lachie to the Argyll East Triathlon, a six medal weekend all up!
We all met up in Karori for the lovely Teresa's 21st High Tea Party, complete with her favourite friends on a cake (that thankfully I didn't have to travel with, just create, the easy part!)

"As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen"
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart"
Piglet "How do you spell love?" Pooh "You don't spell it, you feel it"
Winnie the Pooh has the wisest quotes :)


Sophie and Cooper, almost the same size!

Beautiful photo!!!

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Pox Has Left the Building

Chicken pox all over now (times five!), black eye almost healed too - got it from thrashing around the first itchy night, straight into the corner of my bedside cabinet. Just as well the DVD player chose to die AFTER all the kids' lazy days!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tryathlon #2

Pretty wintery weather around, but as we crossed the Saddle Road, the blue sky was all we could see :) But then Lily got really carsick :(
She didn't feel up to doing the Palmy Tryathlon, but Lachie wasn't alone, Alyssa from school was there also!
Lachie about to cross the finish line.

Pretty proud boy! Got a big hug from Lily too

Lachie and Alyssa

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beautiful Sunday in the Bay

Well when we woke it was barely light...but light enough I find the little guy covered in spots! Couldn't let Lachie miss out on the last Ironkids Triathlon Race though! Look at him, he looks fine!

Cute Eden too :)

Good swim, bike and run, straight to the finish line!

Then after a well deserved lunch, we headed to the Lowe Walker Rescue Helicopter Open Day...and got to sit in the helicopter...

Even the little guy wanted a turn

Ready to be...


Gurney rides for the brave...hope you're not practicing begin a patient Lachie!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012


After the girls spent 6 hours dancing on Saturday, we took Abi, Charlotte and some fish 'n chips out to the Reisima's for some puppy cuddling!

Seven puppies! No, didn't put our name on one...well Lily did name one Sheila! Few still for sale if anyone's keen! They're soooooooo cute! Can't wait til (one day when I've got time to learn all about puppies!) Honey has puppies!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Black Day at School

All dressed up for a special visitor at school...

The CUP!

Too much of an audience for Mr. Cooper!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crusaders, just once a year!

Wet, wet, wet!

Didn't dampen our spirits though...neither did sitting with all the Chiefs fans!

Lachie meeting Cory...

And Zac...Lily got a high five from him as he ran off at half time too

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Me!

So I decided after 10 years, I needed another birthday party! So I slapped together a cake...obviously!

2 cakes! Dad bought us a gluten free chocolate cake (the one I made is quite the opposite!!!). One wee accident, note Luke looking like a future All Black! The Gardner's will remember the day for the wrong reason :(

Thank you to all my wonderful friends that came and celebrated (and ignored the "strictly no presents" instruction!) and I missed those that were unable to come also.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Little Cutie!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Losing Friends

Pretty soon we say goodbye to Clare and Phil as they head on their OE. We will miss you guys soooooooo much! Hope you get to meet Ellen in LA, do all the fun stuff in Vegas and don't fall in the Grand Canyon before you get to London! XXX

And photo credit to Rochelle Alder and her wicked iPhone4S...S for superpowers! Now I want one damn it!

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