Thought I'd add some random photos from the last week or so.
Here's when we went for a walk last week, end of the holidays - Lily walked (pushed her pushchair and piggy) 4km! Not quite the 15km we need to do in Sydney, but we're getting in practice while we can! Actually, she would have walked more than that as she zig-zagged and twirled round all over the place! And sung all through town!
Lachie moving the cones like the "footpath works" men had on our way to town...
And the role-reversals when we got home, Eden was so keen to have a go at walking!
And big sleeps for the afternoon!
Honey copying Mike's attempt at staying awake last week, got comfy before I'd even put the jackets away after our weekend away (Mike and I went to a hui at Hato Paora!)
Lily cleaning the shower...
Ready for a day out shopping...
Warm enough outside for a change!
Roof of the fort's finished (will be silver one day when I can handle the paint smell)
Honey/Eden love...
Girls all lined up...
Was actually photographing Lily who dressed Glo-e-bear in wings, didn't realise Eden's face til I downloaded them!
We need to wrap up super warm to go for walks in the afternoon now...
" Come on!"
And Lachie posed for these with his favourite boxers on...
Hilarious Lachie...will save for your 21st!
And a cheesy, still tooth-less grin
Trying on his new rugby shorts (and showing his gold rugby cards - we don't eat chippies, so any offers of the cards welcome!)
Bugs were over until Eden got sick again yesterday, worst of it over night - I'm tired now! Lachie's had his ears checked twice this week, routine check at school and Audiology check at the hospital - both really bad, but the verdict - wait and see if it gets better! Are these people living with him???!! (Your prayers would be good!)