Demolition was going really well after day one, til first thing Saturday when I stood on a nail - pretty bad (and 17 years overdue for a tetnus booster!) so I figured Mike would need something equally as strong to replace me!
Here he is Saturday morning...and here he is Sunday morning (I was such a big help! - I just said the magic words..."let's get a digger!")Our neighbour Grand-dad Tom, a loader driver, also helped a lot on Sunday. Eden slept right through the shed coming down (actually, so did our other neighbours Matt and Phil!), when she got up she looked out and said "oh oh"; Matt got up 3 hours later and just said "oh, the shed's gone". Everytime someone was on the digger Eden was calling out "go go go".
And what do you think of the video?!!! The kids have been watching it on the computer a lot! They were also allowed a little bit of a turn...
And true to the plan (being getting the digger to replace an injured me) I pulled the playhouse round the front!
Now, if I hadn't just had a birthday, guess what I'd be asking for! It was so much fun! What can we pull down next???