Saturday, March 08, 2008


Mike had to go to Palmy to sell potatoes by himself, so I had Lily to look after me (through this horrible bug). She wanted to be a ballerina in her new tutu. I had to make her pancakes for breakfast to make me feel better (her idea!), we took Honey for a walk then played with the pegboards til Mike got home (then I fell asleep so he took Lily to join Lachie and Eden at Nannie and Grand-da's then went to do firewood - I woke up in time to go out for dinner).
I hate being sick - yuk!
Hopefully I'm the last to get this bug Mike had weeks ago, Lily's had it, Lachie twice, Eden just went off her food...

Here's more shots of Lily ballerina...
Feet in first...
Pointing toes...
Ta da...!
Picking up fairies...
Bouncing's fun in a tutu (apparently!)

I really can't figure out which one is my favourite photo (especially with the commentary I was hearing while taking them!)...what do you think?