Friday, March 07, 2008

Kindy Trip to Pourerere

Marathon before we even got to kindy! Dropping Lachie off at his new friends place at 7.30 for breakfast and a ride to school, then dropping Eden off with Ella and Caroline (her first play-date alone), before making it to kindy at 8.30 to head out to Pourerere Beach on the bus.
Sandcastle building first...

Then a look at the rock pools

Lily preferred the little cushion starfish... the big spiky ones (this is a smaller one that she was ok with as it only had 4 legs)

And on her hat!

Will add Caroline's photos of Eden and Ella soon, here's one of what she was like afterwards! She had such a great time, not one tear, and sounds like she'd go again anytime!

And Lachie made it to school fine. They had their triathalon practice for the afternoon, he's very keen on triathalon's now, the real one's next week and parents are encouraged to watch (so there'll be photos!)