I wanted to try out something different with icing, so the kindy teachers got a chocolate boost one Friday afternoon (the one before Anzac weekend if you can't tell!) After the Onga Anzac parade we had a teaparty...
Last Sunday we went to Wellington for Aunty Kate's baby shower. The drive was a nice adventure on my own (with 4 kids in the back!) and Lachie enjoyed his afternoon with Ant, Toby and James, while the girls, the baby and I went to the party. We can't wait for Kate and Mike's baby...and my prediction was GIRL, under 7lb! Let's wait and see if I'm any good at these things! Just got to wait for Luke's baby brother to arrive first! Two baby trips to Wellington coming up!
Oh yeah, and cupcakes!!! My little man LOVES balls! And vehicles and drums...going to be the easiest first birthday shopping ever! Just got to decide on the cake!!! 23 days, counting down (not me, Lily actually)Love the look on Lachie and Eden's face! (Lily was doing her homework)
Lily's loving school still. Her teacher loves her and next year's teacher is already saying how she can't wait to teach her! She has reading sussed, writing stories figured out and numbers up to 100 mastered, actually it's up to 112! She's enjoying ballet and highland, although highland's getting a bit hard now doing an hour's practice after an hour at school doing rugby practice! No other lovely little girls turn up at dancing covered in mud! She starts rippa rugby on Saturday.
Lachie's doing great. His teacher still loves him and vice versa, it seems reading and writing has just clicked (maybe with the help of learning texting!??!) and his confidence at doing things for the first time is growing constantly. He's still obsessed with the monkey bars (which has rubbed off on his sisters) and has massive callouses on his hands - but that doesn't stop him! He's playing in the junior grade rugby this year, well maybe just until the first tackle! He was given a pair of Dan Carter rugby boots (his first with sprigs not blades) so wears them at every opportunity. Although I don't actually think they're playing in boots this year! We've been going to the Hawks basketball a lot and he's been practicing his dribbling (his little brother's still the best dribbler though!).
Been making cakes and cupcakes for miles...loving it! Photos to come...