Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Camping out

Camping at a really beautiful DOC site with only a handful of others. Cooper grew his first tooth (finally!) on the trip down and seemed so much happier for it! He watched all the goings on setting up the site with such interest, and he especially loved Lachie blowing his air matress up with him sitting on it.
Lachie getting the baked beans ready for dinner
Dinner time
Dessert time!
Then as it got dark, sleeping time - just as the Morepork's started talking to eachother - really cool! Lachie let the girls have the bunks so he could have the floor - what a gentleman!
Almost a waste of space not having the girls' top'n tailing, they only take up half of each full sized bunk bed!
All cosied up , it was a cold night (which we decided was way better than a stinking hot night!)
And Cooper got his own bed this time - the bunk bed bag is the perfect size...this summer anyway!
The view from our tent first thing in the morning (which was 7.30 and not 5.30 as I expected, yay!)

Then on to Wellington for a comparatively luxurious holiday! But no photos as this girl scout (haha) didn't take spare batteries or charge them before we left.