Sunday, September 07, 2008

An Icy Fathers Day

Not sure if Mike liked Fathers Day as much as Grand-da - we went to a party on Saturday night so the kids stayed at Nannie and Grand-da's - I was off the hook for cooking breakfast! And it was Nannie that had to put the hundred layers on the kids so we could go on our adventure!
Showing the kids how much further...
Just look at that face!
Mike took great delight in taking many photos of me upside down!
Turns out I was the toboggan more often than not...
At least it was Daddy getting "attacked"!
Tasty? I think she understands the "don't eat yellow snow" rule from Happy Feet!
Lily's version of mountain climbing
Only these two would choose the dirty snow to play in!
Great Fathers Day!
On the way down the mountain we did (some of) the bush walk...this is when my camera batteries died :(