While Mike's on nights, dinner's quite casual...here's Lily during dessert after my flyaway comment to Lachie about his hearing (or lack of it) - listen carefully to what she says at the end...
And Eden's a great conversationalist. While she wasn't hearing we had around 20 signs that we could both communicate with - all her needs were met - trying that on Lachie at the moment would be interesting...but he wants to tell us soooo many more words than Eden!
Here's a conversation that Eden and I had the other day while we walked to kindy (she was in the backpack and Lily was on her bike).
"Mummy, get down?"
"No, sorry sweetie, you'll have to stay there til we get to kindy."
(Anything I could say here got the same response)
!!!And she's only 19 months!!!
And her new favourite phrase - "What a mess" - must have come after this incident over the weekend, it's pretty muddy here and we'd all been outside, didn't realise Eden had gone inside to wash her own hands!