There's an early home game coming up next month...
Would have been fine if Mike hadn't surprised us by walking in the door 10 minutes early! He hadn't checked the mail though, so they all had a wee drive up and down the drive...
Lachie's infamous one-handed catch
Eden loved sliding
And then on the way home, Lily drew her favourite part of the day...you know...no, I don't either, but will ask her in the morning!

Just 'cos we can! Here's a video of Lily taken the other day...I was thinking, now that I can put video on here I will do heaps...we'll see!
Lily chose the only pink thing at the bakery, just for the icing...
...while Eden munched on a ciabatta roll.
Then out for a spot of sightseeing...
There was a cute little boy eating lunch with his Mum by the fountain…
While walking down the streets, Lily started pointing out cars…not cars in general, but very specifically any late model (2005 or later) European cars – that were clean! She stopped for ages by a shiny silver Mini Cooper saying “brutiful, brutiful car”
We got to Kindy to find only this clown wanting to come home with us!