Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Turakina Highland Games

Eden ready for her first dance at Turakina

Love this shot

Lily's last time as a primary dancer, she becomes a beginner when she's 7 (yip, sounds the wrong way round to me too!)



Masse highland fling with the P&D group too (other kind of highland dancers, we're SOBHD so can compete internationally). Spot the two in the centre! I didn't get a shot of the whole stage, this is about a third...

Medal time!

Both girls got two places and were very happy :)
Primary dancers getting their goodies

And typical! The new kilts etc. arrived the day of the competition!!!! Oh well, they need a bit of resizing before the next dance day! And there's another parcel to arrive! Lily has the first lime kilt I've seen in NZ, and Eden's getting a raspberry vest to go with hers, plus socks each and an Aboyne outfit for Lily.

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