And hopefully an inspiring update too!
Got a white Christmas tree this year, thought it would give the illusion of more space, as opposed to a dark green thing in the corner...and guess what, I was right! Couldn't find pink tinsel though, maybe next year!

Lachie was very proud of his secret Santa present for his classmate, he made stained glass biscuits (the no artificial colouring kind!), decorated the noodle box and added a zip bag he designed and a decoration. Was a hit!

Why bun when you can reindeer! This was for Julie's Christmas Party

And we made these (bad photo though sorry)...circles of brownie, icing, strawberry and icing pompom...Santa hats!

Reindeer noses for all the school friends (and in each Christmas pressie), 8 Malteasers and a Jaffa!

Doughnut seeds, just to add something that wasn't lollies!

Lachie and I made him and Cooper bacon (nitrate free of course!) and egg on toast, all rolled into one!

And these are great! Pretzels with a melted rolo and a pecan pressed on top!

The boys also made and decorate chocolate spoon treats

And to finish off our big baking day (while the girls were at a party) we discovered cake pops!

Cake and icing, rolled into balls, add a lollypop stick and dip in chocolate. Then decorate! Took them to Waikawa Beach the next day to share with the cuzzies.

All homemade christmas presents this year, only because there was a week and a half between school finishing and Christmas!! These are cool for big kids...further down I'll add what my kids have...

And something for Auntie Cathie...her bucket list!

Started making satin flower headbands, hairclips and brooches...and now I can't stop (fridge magnets too now!)

These marble mazes are fun! You just push the marble from one dot to the other using your for all ages!

For a while there I couldn't stop making these wee zip purses, even the kids can make them!

Homemade funky multi-coloured crayons just hanging around!

Mini candy cane hearts to take to Christmas for everyone.

The kids made brownie with no help at all from me for our pre-Christmas dessert (I was painting, seriously couldn't help!)


Didn't get round to making a big gingerbread house...whipped these up after making the organic fruit mince pies, and the kids and a decorating competition

And the decorated the brownie (with pretzel stick added!) into funky Christmas trees

Our new hallway...bag hooks and individual whiteboard for the kids important stuff (usually which movies are on tv!).

Christmas toenails...these are Lachie's "subtle" feet!

Oh he's so cute!

On the way to Wellington christmas eve we stopped at the botanical gardens, the flower hair clip I made Lily

Lachie's almost as big as me! Well I fit his new Heelys!!!

Eden's new headband, such a rainbow girl!

All together now...

And in the new Christmas clothes (minus shoes) ready for church Christmas morning

Cooper deciding if he's going to do the present swap with Biddy...

He did eventually! Forgot to photograph these...godparents got post it memo boards...(one of those free standing Perspex photo frames, picture in the photo place designed by the child, then a post it pad stuck on the outside)

Then they played some music together...awwwww...

Haven't yet downloaded all the photos from Rachel's, but a few days later, when we got home, Auntie Cathie turned up with Eden's "real" Batman!

He's had about a hundred name changes so far, but is pretty portable! Here in one of the doll slings I made for the kids when Cooper was little and lived in his.

And obviously there's lots more...we're doing a day at home, day out, kinda holiday routine. At home the kids either play outside or help me clean/tidy/organise, and on our days out we pack in as much tiring fun as possible! I hope the holidays never end...
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