Sorry for all the crypticness Facebook world! Mike's friend Simone had an Italian themed party last night for her birthday...she's also into teapots so Mike commissioned me to make a tea cosy as she didn't have one. He asked me to make it really ugly, I failed! He also told me just in time that she actually likes dragonflies, not mosquitos as he had previously told me! Seriously, who likes mosquitos?!?! So, while channelling Mel King (the only person I know with a tea cosy!) I made my first, and probably last one! Here it is!!!
And finally, an excuse for cupcakes!!! Italian themed of course! My kids told me (loudly) how silly I was, while walking round the supermarket buying Oreos to make meatballs! Raspberry pasta sauce was great too, and perfectly topped off with white chocolate parmesan! So next time you're having bolognaise, lasagna or tiramisu, try making these too, they're surprisingly easy!
And as I wasn't in charge of the camera I didn't get a photo of the birthday girl (who's camera puts mine to shame anyway!) but Lily got this shot of Miko in the wrapping paper that Eden chose for the teapot.
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