On Eden's day off (Wednesdays) we made biscuits, what appears to be the Aussie way, from a packet! Now I'm not sure about all Aussies (or Kiwis for that matter!) but the packet baking section of the three supermarkets I've been to is far larger than the shelves full of individual baking ingredients. You can buy a large bag of baking soda, but only a tiny tin of baking powder. Cocoa comes in a tin and there's one brand (and definitely no fair trade stuff!), and no fondant to be seen (not that I need it, but I did have a look). Anyway, back to the pretty Lightening McQueen biscuits...and worth the $4 for the cookie cutter :)

Cooper's turn...

And by himself. No artificial coloring if you're concerned Lachie can't have any!

Finishing touches

The best part!

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