Hanging around Wellington waiting for the ferry, top of the cable car; yip, I took the photo!

And Lily took this one!

Boys on the cable car...

On the way back up after Lachie's 'flash' George Janis haircut, doesn't Cooper look like a pro!?

On board the ferry, very busy crossing so we got a nice quiet cabin, well not so quiet with us in there!

Bit breezy in the harbour, the steward that told me it wouldn't be cold and we wouldn't need jackets...WRONG!

Lachie spotted the Makara wind farm! Hi everyone!

These girls pose, anytime, anywhere!

Long drive to Kaiteriteri, movies in the back for the kids, good sleep, bit wet in the morning but it IS a winter holiday! Boys love matching!

Down to the gorgeous beach...we had the whole beach to ourselves, if it was a sunny day we have had to share! Lachie braved the water, it wasn't cold though

Tide was coming in and this rock became an island, freaking Lily out a bit!

Drive to Abel Tasman National Park, found a couple of moas on the way. That's NOT snow, t'was wet, but not cold!

One day we'll do more of the track, today was just the coastal track, a couple of k's to the forest, plenty of running, skipping, puddle jumping, and reading...read on!

It seems rock writing is the thing to do in Marlborough, lots of messages all along the coast! Quite like this one though

Got to the start of the forest track, back to the kiosk to strip off all the wet layers, then find somewhere for dinner. The only restaurant in Kaiteriteri (where we had lunch) doesn't open for dinner in winter, even the Saturday night of a long weekend, shame as the menu looked good!

Will add part 2 when I find the thingy to attach the camera to my iPad...or fire up the computer!
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