Eden was great at kindy last week and got to bring Virtues Bear home for the weekend...and a trouser repair! Well done Eden!!!
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our space at our pace
Eden was great at kindy last week and got to bring Virtues Bear home for the weekend...and a trouser repair! Well done Eden!!!
Since there was still a REAL birthday to be had, we went out for lunch, to have some of Cooper's probably favorite food...chocolate! Mmmmmm, Silky Oaks Chocolate Cafe...smiles (and full tummies) all round! Cooper chose marshmallow, chocolate and caramel slice...
A photo for Eilish...look what I managed! Eden off to Erica's princess party...
Go Lily, go!!!
Photos for Donna's latest Playcentre story...anyone need any more encouragement to come and check Playcentre out?!??! I've got the Mentos and Diet Coke ready to take next time!!!!!
More cake! Chocolate cupcakes with all the Playcentre kids!
Lily's turn for a puppet show...is the audience paying attention?
Good big sister helping out...
Will be plenty more photos coming of chilly mornings down at Rugby Park over the next 3 months!
Lachie in the headgear...
First, get the child to sleep early...then wait ever so patiently for him to wake up! Then, give him plenty of presents! He started with the biggest, of course! Such excitement with every one!
What a great atmosphere HB put on for the Crusaders "home game"! They even brought their four horses up! The kids were pretty impressed, was probably probably their highlight! Well, the sword swinging was Lachie's!