"Mum, I don't want to wear a dress to Harriet's party because I want to play"
And guess what the birthday girl was wearing...her jeans too!
Eden, Cooper and I went to the supermarket during the party and I'm not usually like this; Eden picked up a dvd and said "Mum, can you buy this please", I looked at it and said "yip, sure". You guessed it, got some pretty shocked/dirty looks from other parents and old people there!!! But it was the new Barbie dvd that I didn't know had even arrived in the country yet...we had to have it! So we invited Zara for movie night... I know it doesn't look like it, but Lachie did really like it! They all wrapped up, but it wasn't even cold! We had a fun adventure walking Zara home "in the middle of the night"!