Saturday, April 16, 2011

Highland Competition

Lily in her new "black, white, alright" kilt outfit. Very excited!

My dancing girls Eden got all dressed up for the occasion too! With some help from her teacher and Nannie! (And a quick stop in at the Warehouse on the way for some black shoes to set the outfit off!)
The judge from Scotland, with Lily's group ready to start one of three dances...
Their teacher (left) took Eden to dance for another "judge"
All of the CHB primary grade girls in their first competition (I've been holding Eden back since she's so much younger than the other girls)
All the little angels with their proud teacher Julie Appleton-Seymour

Medal time!!! And goodie bag time too!

Guess who's ready to start competitions now!!!

Eden and Lily with Abby (one of the special "teachers helpers") and Charlotte, who despite being sick, won 1st place for the 5 year olds in all 3 dances

Then we went and had a visit/demo for the Lundbergs and Sophie, Kate and Mike

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Red and Pink

Earlier this term a big photo of Lily and Eden was in the paper, advertising Mainly Music's new day. It was taken 2 years ago, and to celebrate Easter Mainly Music had another red and pink "love" day...this time was for Eden and Cooper...

Guess who's been teaching Eden to pose!

And, like passing the torch, Eden has taught Cooper her now patented toe pointing pose... 21st photos galore, hehehe!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We went for a walk one day...

And had a picnic in a forest of redwood trees...
Our picnic consisted of coleslaw and leftover pizza!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Harriet's Party

"Mum, I don't want to wear a dress to Harriet's party because I want to play"

"Mum, can you take some photos of me becasue I'm going to a party and not wearing a dress"

And guess what the birthday girl was wearing...her jeans too!

Eden, Cooper and I went to the supermarket during the party and I'm not usually like this; Eden picked up a dvd and said "Mum, can you buy this please", I looked at it and said "yip, sure". You guessed it, got some pretty shocked/dirty looks from other parents and old people there!!! But it was the new Barbie dvd that I didn't know had even arrived in the country yet...we had to have it! So we invited Zara for movie night... I know it doesn't look like it, but Lachie did really like it! They all wrapped up, but it wasn't even cold! We had a fun adventure walking Zara home "in the middle of the night"!

Friday, April 08, 2011

Black and Neon Disco

Princess Lily, complete with tiara facepaint

Lachie glow monster

Eden by her friend Deidre

Eden's cape

Reusing all the glowsticks...

Awesome when kids can design and make their own outfits for a fun, late night out!

Saturday, April 02, 2011


All dressed up and ready to go...

Thumbs up with Grand-da

Nannie and Grand-da came in our car with us...

Meeting Captain Hurricane

"Hurricane Cooper" Seated and ready... Backs of the t's

"Hurricane Eden"
"Hurricane Lily" "Hurricane Lachie" (it's on his hat)Meeting the stars afterwards...

Rough game!

And since they didn't win, we didn't get ice creams afterwards...just dinner at 10.30, already to put the clocks back an hour!