Monday, November 29, 2010

Our 18 month old!

Cooper's possibly a bit unwell, but he eats as much as Lachie for breakfast, and has big dinners...if it's tomato based! Tonight was fettuccine bolognaise so everyone ate quickly - ready for ice cream (actually the new strawberry yoghurt ice cream, yummy!)...
"please more"
Followed by the baking Eden and I did today (Monday, baking day), we only made muesli bars (and dinner for tonight and tomorrow night) and after sharing Grand-da's cake with him last night, we didn't really need to have cake today. Muesli bar cake it was!
With lots of singing!

And a bit of posing!
And Nick's cake from the weekend...sorry about the teasing!
The brief was a retro 70's theme with the Karate Kid and jungle animals...
Lachie, after helping me untangle 6 sets of Christmas lights!!!

Cooper's loving the Christmas tree...has been repeating his first big sentence "turn the lights on" (then off, then on, then off...)