Sunday, August 09, 2009

More Rugby

Cooper's started playing with his toys! This Baby Einstein lion was one of Eden's favourite's too. And he's 10 weeks old now!
We had Rhys to stay for the kept very busy, including icing biscuits (which were eaten not long afterwards!)
Toby and Aunty Jayne stopped in for cuddles - they were up for the Wellington vs HB gameLily had me paint a Magpie logo on her cheek
Eden wanted black and white butterflies
The boys wanted to match Catching up with Toby and Aunty Jayne at the game; when they came over Wellington were winning and when they left HB were winning (but shame about the end score)

Toby being "Absolutely Positively Roaring" (made by my Mum of course!)
Mike took this video (that's why you're all tilting your heads about now!) of Eden being Eden...