Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Week of the Holidays

It's just gone so quickly! Easter was a bit of a write-off project-wise, but Lachie's new unit finally got made, and loaded up!I did most of the painting while the kids were in bed and Mike was at work, but there was one part they could help with!
(And it's nearly HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHED!)

Lily designed this outfit...but found after an hour or so that it was a bit hard to keep pulling up while riding her bike! We went to the Aquarium for Eden's two and a half birthday (any excuse!).
And the boys on their bikes...
Next week Mike's on holiday so we can do so much more WITHOUT him falling asleep, yay!!

I'm deciding whether or not to continue with this blog as it keeps running out of bandwidth or something (not exactly sure?). I'll either be making up a new address if there's enough people interested or I could just use Facebook for photos (at the moment I only put a couple a month on there).
Let us know what you think...I have no idea who's reading this half the time!