Friday, August 01, 2008

Our Wet Week

Having fun in Hastings early in the week (needed groceries EVERYWHERE - put it off as long as we could!)
Lily trying out her "new bed" - watch this space...
This is Daddy's fault again...Mike alledges (I was at Kindy) that he was sitting on the floor playing with Eden, then she lay down and he thought she was still playing, but she'd fallen fast asleep!
Our front yard on Wednesday...
And Henderson's new swimming pool!
The first bridge on the way to out school (all the schools in the district closed early to give parents a chance to pick kids up). If the rain had have kept up all night, Lachie wouldn't have made it out on Thursday. Mike checked the bridge early in the morning when he finished work, but the rain was slowing by then...
The road by school, right by the rugby fields that were completely covered with water. (Not sure the warning sign - "May flood during wet weather" is necessary, you can kind of see it!)
Lachie was actually quite excited by all the floods everywhere - did great story writing about it on Thursday!
Oh, and that night I'd just gone to bed and I heard a little thump. I went in to check the girls again, and found Eden I took a photo first, then put her in bed with me until Mike got home - she had an unusually wriggly night! Here's Eden in my favourite market stall purchase from Sydney - a "ethical" top from Mighty Eve (they're supposed to have a website, but I couldn't get it to work) from the Kirribilli Markets
Eden's "job" - she did it every day at Nannie and Grand-da's...feeding Honey her biscuits
Then Honey got a big cuddle