Sunday, July 06, 2008

Our Practice Pilgrimage

After I walked home from Onga last Tuesday (15 km in 3 hours) I had this "great" idea of doing it this afternoon a group of us (including some of Bill's Napier group) walked another route, 12km in an almost freezing wind and lovely sun...finishing with dinner at our place, that wasn't too bad (if I do say so myself), definitely great company anyway!
Here's the cake I made for this morning...(through the glad wrap sorry)...

Half way point, still going strong...

Eden getting a better view than the rest of us - Lily spent much of the time imaging she was going over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Lachie did a lot of scootering - will be one of our first purchases in Sydney!

And nearly home with the sun setting

Sydney, here we come!