Thursday, May 31, 2012

School Masquerade Disco


Ready to go!

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rugby Season's Underway!

All ready for the first game!

Eden hoping not to get ripped

Lily's happy to share

Run Lily Run!

So far the girls have played at the same time as Lachie so Cooper and I run between each game (sometimes the lengthy of a rugby field apart!). Must get some action shots of Lachie's super-bright new rugby boots...that fit me! He's gone up four sizes since last season!!!!!

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Baby's Turned Three!

What a fun day Cooper had turning three...even though the other kids were at school, mean he got his new toys all to himself! Plenty of green stuff too!
It took me a giant pavlova and four trays of macaroons to discover the thermostat in the oven is wrecked whipped up a chocolate cake, cooked it Nannie and Grand-da's (who only got back form Australia the night before!) and iced it in the closest I had to green (in natural food colouring)!



Didn't want to risk wasting more time/ingredients so made some train decorations and bought choccy biscuits for sharing at Playcentre

Everyone's singing, Cooper's playing shy!

Thanks for helping with the candles Robert, your turn soon!

And it's like the birthday that never ends while we wait for a "free" date for a party!

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bike Jams 2012

Lachie all ready to start the long course (10km...easy!)

Girls doing the short course...experts now!

Medals! And some spot prizes too...Cooper only a few days short of a new two-wheeled surprise (although he does love "his" pink bike!)

Beach for the afternoon...cold, but kids don't worry about that!

One even chose to lose his pants!

Feeling like we own the beach!

Off for Rush Munroes ice creams on the way home!

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Sunday, May 06, 2012

So Here's April...Finally!

Let's start with Cooper on the 1st of April, you'd be a fool not to love that face!

Zara came to Palmy too, and we picked up another to take home...Mike

But first, someone's a bit excited to be on the train!


Girls off to the ballet in Hastings (boys declined our invitation to come)

What better thing to do with a pile of Easter eggs on Easter Sunday morning ...take them on a bush walk...

...(and then get Lachie to drive out of the mud while Mum and Dad push!)

Few trips to the skatepark, Cooper loves his new skateboard (no photos!)

Park and basketball fun

Daddy flew out from Palmy, so we took the new car for a drive to Wellington to meet Amelia (no photos of that either!) and see Sophie and Kate.
A few days later, a trip to Marton

Eden proud to come third in her fling (5-6 year group, some are Lily's friends and have been dancing as long)

And a fifth and a seventh...good going!

Lily absolutely stoked to win the sword dance (after her teacher promised that the first one to win could learn and dance the "big girls" steps in future competitions...challenge accepted!), also two thirds, a fourth, a fifth and a sixth. Six medals, very happy with herself!

Eden's new glasses arrived...super cute! And meant half a new wardrobe as the girls have never been into purple before! (but the pink frames had white sides!)

Off to Wellington for Emily's birthday party at Junglerama, followed by Gardner fun for the last time in their old house

Last day of the holidays included pony rides, five-legged sheep, getting to see the back of a peacock plus other farm excitement!

And a picnic at the beach

Lachie went go karting, we went watching! Unfortunately for Lily, a 7 year old can do it, if they're about 130cm tall...well, at least she's over a metre now!

Lily's way of suggesting we go to Rush Munroes!

Anzac day (Mummy still sick, no dawn parades!) but a late trip to Napier for beach, park, aquarium and ice creams. Lily looking like she's modeling my new style of headbands, but really she's showing how that (rather heavy!) rock could make a great pendant...umm.....

Phew, well that was some of our April...let's see if May photos can be added DURING May...hmmmmmm....

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