Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Big Update

I know it's been ages since I put some photos on here - it's definitely NOT because I haven't been taking any! My excuse is the cold! I may be only a few metres from both the fire and the ceiling heater, but brrrr - roll on summer! Although, there have been a few chilly but pretty days - like when the mermaid, the fairy and the Incredible Hulk got together for the afternoon!
Cooper just sleeps...although his awake periods are getting longer and more interactive!
We woke the kids "in the middle of the night" (we told them!) to watch the AB's play France - they covered themselves (and Daddy!) in tattoos. This is "sleeping" in our bed when we got home (but the little one can't say 'roll over' yet!)
Bath time's still got to be the favourite...although the big bath full of kids brings on more smiles! (see http://www.hunterparkkindergarten.blogspot.com for photos of Cooper's bath at kindy, including a clever video montage - must get round to learning that too one day!)
Just kept missing the smiles...
Wah wah - wah wah
Mike decided to be sneaky and catch a photo of how much Cooper likes the shower..ahem...
Loves swinging...
Lachie went to his second school disco, dressed as Lachie Simmons, the future All Black! Mike's been teaching him about cauliflower ears (so he had to have his ears re-taped for his game on Saturday, his game of rippa rugby where they're only allowed to pull tags off eachothers waists - no rucks and mauls...for a few years!)
You may remember Emma from last years disco photos...still great friends! No-one was smoking (background) there was a smoke machine and a bubble machine.
Theme day at Music now means facepainting - along with a favourite hat this time.
But the afternoon saw Cooper put in hospital for the night, just for observations, he's not too sick but could have been worse (don't talk too soon, test results pending) but look how comfy he was (me on the other hand!....)

Sunday, June 14, 2009


...just cos Mike was at work early this morning!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Eden, Cooper and I went to see Lachie do his stuff at the gymnastics festival...

And the girls had another turn at bathing their new doll, Cooper! He LOVES bathtime!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

More Cuddles

Maybe it's because that happens a LOT round here!
Cooper - 10 days old.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Come On The Bay!

Some of the promo shots for this years promotions...we had a great afternoon!

Roll on August 1st...

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Born To Squawk?

Cooper's present from Nannie... And the little booties I made a few months ago...

Saturday, June 06, 2009

A few smiles

Eden having a rose-petal bath...
Both Lachie and Lily had birthday parties to go to, so after they wrapped presents for Tasharla and Riley, Eden wrapped a present too (choc chip biscuits) and at after rugby went to play with Grand-da for a few hours...both girls had to have 'party hair' and wear 'sparkly party make-up' though! (And Lily's party dress didn't go on til after rugby!)
(Shame the flash didn't go off for this one)Lachie making a run for it...
No rugby next week - the reason...end of duckshooting! Lachie loved that Cooper was impressed with how he played today - when he asked me how I knew, I told him it was because Cooper didn't cry or complain once (he slept solidly through the whole game though)

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Lotsa Cuddles

Here, Cooper is being told a very long and serious Lily-story, but it always has a happy ending!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Lily's Kindy News

Here's Lily having news at kindy...

Then off to dancing, a watching day, so we ALL went to watch (except Lachie who caught a ride to rugby practice then Mike and Eden joined him there).

Lily put on a fine show as the most experienced dancer (i.e. she did it last year, the others have only started this year) and the smallest (by quite a lot)...

Cooper didn't pay any attention at all, even while the kids so elegantly thumped around the room!
Eden's just hanging out til she can start!