Funny "clown" diver, here blowing bubble rings
Blue-tounged skink, named "Bluey" - that's Lachie shaking his hand!
And at Marineland, the dolphin...
Little Blue Penguin, named Onion, came over for a good look at Lachie after she had a pat from all the kids
Lachie liked the "bigger than Paddy" bird
And the many pools of sealsAlthough I found it more exhausting than a school trip I was in charge of, we all had so much fun (more adults than kids asleep on the bus on the way home!), can't wait til the next one!
Lachie has been drawing pictures of all the creatures all day, except when he was helping with the laundry renovations and "biscuiting" with Daddy this afternoon! (NEW laundry photos to come...)
Lachie took this photo...
Then after church we went up to Napier and went for a walk along the Marine Parade, and bikes day off was not carrying Eden! Then lovely singing all the way home (as I also took a packet of M&M's to share!) - Eden's doing the same as the others, but I couldn't get a photo of her!
Lachie did the names and the drawing for Nannie's set, but the girls helped with their handprints - favourite thing around here! Notice how Lachie even drew Honey; Eden's lying down with her hand by her mouth, and Lily's got curly hair - he did draw himself the biggest though!