Only a Dad would do it...Mike took the kids into a toyshop and said "what do you guys want?" Lily straight away said "a pussy cat", I'm just pleased they weren't in a pet shop! Lachie got a monster truck and DVD. Lily hasn't put her pussy cat down since...and like she always has, she still sleeps with puppy as well...and Glo-e-bear and boy baby and girl baby...
Only a Dad would do it...Mike took the kids into a toyshop and said "what do you guys want?" Lily straight away said "a pussy cat", I'm just pleased they weren't in a pet shop! Lachie got a monster truck and DVD. Lily hasn't put her pussy cat down since...and like she always has, she still sleeps with puppy as well...and Glo-e-bear and boy baby and girl baby...
Eden was a "baby shark" and I was "Mummy shark", fortunately there were no photos taken that I'm aware of! Eden loved floor dancing with everyone!
And very cool teachers! (Penguin and Mermaid here). I'm sure they danced all night!We're all totally exhausted now! Maybe we'll all get a sleep in with Mike tomorrow....
Heaps of fun squashed into the shower!
Don't you wonder what they're talking about.... I need a photo for a Parents Centre thing, so set up the tripod and Lachie took the photos on time delay, even sometimes managing to keep the camera pointed at us!
Now I'm on the lookout for wedding cakes that need decorating...
On his "day off" we did a painting (for the bathroom, I'll show you the finished products soon!)
Then we went digging for daffodil bulbs and today we re-planted them with some tulip bulbs
Very successful few days, especially as the front yard's now looking tidy and will be full of colour come spring! And even more rewarding for Mike as he's been working all day today (and going back tomorrow - he's in the middle of 13 straight days) so can sit down for a beer without having to mow the lawns!
Lily had fun the other day helping me ice Eden's half birthday cake (well licking the beaters was her specialty!)
Yes, Eden's now 6 months old! Sorry, I'm taking up a bit too much photo!
The Easter Bunny drew clues as to where the Easter eggs were hidden, each clue led to another egg or two...and at the last hiding place were a big pile of.............................books (yes, and a few eggs!)
After lunch we had a great trip home, 3 kids asleep again...home to do some serious demolition in our bedroom!